Castletown Community Primary School

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  3. Home Learning Packs

Home Learning Packs

14 April 2020 (by admin)

I hope everyone has stayed fit and well over the Easter holidays and that you have all managed to enjoy some of the lovely weather we’ve had.
I just wanted to remind you of how to access Home Learning activities from now.
By the end of every Friday, (beginning this week, 17th April), the following week’s work for every year group will be available on the school website. Just click on the link on the front page of the website to access the work, or select ‘Curriculum’ and then ‘Home Learning’ from the menu at the top of the page.
I understand that some of you may have questions relating to the work or you may have some photos, things you have been doing with your children that you may like to share with your child’s class teacher as a way of ‘keeping in touch’.
To support that, all teachers now have new email addresses which parents can use to connect with them.
All email addresses are teacher’ e.g. etc.
Please make sure that you use the teacher’s correct title and spell the names correctly or the email will not be delivered. Teacher email addresses for each year group have been included on the website where you download the Home Learning Packs.
Starting next week, staff will be available on a Monday and Thursday to respond to your emails and these are the times when you will have the opportunity to contact them. Staff will do their very best to respond on the same day to any queries.
This is such a very strange experience for all of us and we all know how hard and frustrating it can be trying to motivate children to work outside of the classroom. Never underestimate the amazing job you’re doing and remember that learning is not just about the academic things in life. You have the opportunity to spend time with your children teaching them life skills both inside and outside the home and creating some very special memories for them.
Enjoy the time you are spending together.
Stay positive, stay safe and stay well.
Joan Lumsdon