Castletown Community Primary School

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Delivery and Collection of Children


Delivery of children to school

  • Parents must ensure that their child arrives at school on time.
  • School gates open from 8.30am and pupils should enter school through their designated entrance.
  • All children should be in school by 8.50am for registration.
  • A member of staff will be on each entrance to greet the children.
  • On very wet mornings or when the playground is unsafe due to ice/snow doors will be opened early and children will go straight into their classrooms on arrival at school.
  • At 8.50am the doors will be closed and children must enter school via the main entrance. Children will be marked as late.


Collection of children from school

  • Children will leave school from their allocated exit door and the teacher/staff member will ensure that children are collected by an authorised person.
  • An authorised person must be a minimum of 16 years old and know the child's collection password.
  • Parents/carers/authorised persons wishing to speak with the teacher or staff member must wait until all of the children have departed.
  • If a child remains uncollected, the teacher/staff member will escort the pupil to the school office where staff will contact parents/carers for advice. It is imperative that school have all up-to-date contact names, collection passwords and telephone numbers.
  • If the person collecting the child does not know the child's collection password, they will be asked to wait at the school office while staff contact parents/carers to confirm arrangements.
  • If a staff member is concerned that releasing a child to the parents/carers, or a person authorised to collect the child, could put the child at risk, the child will not be allowed to leave in their care.
  • In the above case, the person collecting the child will be asked to speak to the Headteacher or another senior member of staff. He/she will need to decide whether or not the child is safe with the parent/carer. If not, social services will be contacted and, if necessary, the police.


Collection of older children from school (Year 6 and Year 5*)

  • Year 6 pupils are allowed to walk home alone after school only if signed permission has been received by the class teacher.
  • If the teacher/staff member deems it unsafe for the child to walk home alone, they will be kept within school and staff will contact parents/carers to arrange for them to be picked up from school.
  • If pupils are not allowed to walk home alone, the child is asked to wait until the other children are dismissed, then the  procedures above are followed.
  • No child will be allowed to meet parents/carers in the car park area unless permission has been received to walk home.
  • *As part of the transition process, Year 5 children may be permitted to walk home alone in the Summer 2 half term, subject to the parent providing permission.


Collection of pupils from after school clubs/boosters

  • Children should be collected from outside the main entrance area at the end of the club/booster.
  • The teacher/staff member will ensure that children are collected by an authorised person.
  • Year 6 children can walk home alone if a signed permission slip has been received.


Collection of pupils from Out of School Club

  • Upon arrival at school, parents should ring the Out of School Club telephone number and wait at the main entrance for a member of staff to hand over the child.